sign-up form "*" indicates required fields Personal DetailsName* First Last Email* Mobile Number*Preferred Communication Channel*EmailWhatsAppTelegramBirth Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Nationality*Gender*Coaching Package:*Coach Martin (ZAR 1850)Coach Mitch (ZAR 1150)Group Plan - Contact for pricingPreferred running terrain:* Road Trail Track Treadmill Select AllTraining HistoryDo you train with a GPS sport or smart watch?*YesNoPlease specify your watch brand and model?List your current personal best (PB) times for 5km, 10km, half marathon, marathon, and ultra distance events in the last 3-years (add up to 10 rows):Event (eg 5km, 10km)Time (hh:mm:ss)Year achievedEvent / location Add RemoveSketch a picture of your typical training week (mileage, time, workouts, etc.):Average running distance (km)Average training time (hh:mm)Typical training / workoutsWhat is your prefered rest day(s) from running?* Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday No rest days Do you participate in any of the following cross-training activities?* Cycling Elliptical Functional training (pilates, yoga, etc.) Strength training (gym, etc.) Swimming None Do any cross-training activities take higher priority?Have you had a history of injuries or any current injuries?* No Yes Please elaborate on your injury history and include the year(s) when it occurred:*Current GoalsDo you have any short/medium term goals (PB's, races, etc. within the next 12-months)?*What are your long-range running goals?*How many hours do have available for running?*3-5 hours5-7 hours7-9 hours9-12 hours12-15 hours15-20 hours20+ hoursHow many hours do have available for cross-training (additional to your running)?*3-5 hours5-7 hours7-9 hours9-12 hours12-15 hours15-20 hours20+ hoursPersonal QuestionsOn a scale of 1 (not important) to 10 (very important), how important is running and exercise in your life?*12345678910On a scale of 1 (not important) to 10 (very important), how important is it for you to excel at running at this stage of your life?*12345678910What do you enjoy most about running?*What is your main motivation for running (i.e. staying fit, losing weight, etc.)?*What would you, personally, consider to be a successful running season (PB's, racing, staying injury-free, increased fitness, etc.)?*Why are you here (i.e. what are your expectations from me as your coach)?*How did you find us:* Referred by Friend Local Running Club Running Event Google Search Social Media Other Consent* I agree to the release waiver.I intend to enrol in a training plan or a coaching service with Snowy Mountain Endurance (Pty) Ltd and hereby contract Snowy Mountain Endurance (Pty) Ltd as my running coach for endurance sports. I recognise that a training plan or training schedule prescribed in the Coaching Services or Training Plans may involve strenuous physical activity, including but not limited to competitive running training, muscle strength and endurance training, and potentially other forms of physical activity or exercise that has risks. As with any physical activity training, physical injury is possible. Also, if I have any health problems, those problems might surface because of physical exercise or conditioning. I agree to pay for coaching services upfront as agreed upon. I agree that should I require any one-on-one coaching outside the time included in the monthly coaching package that I am expected to pay a rate of R300 an hour for said services. At my discretion, I understand that these services can either be billed as one complete hour or split into two half-hour sessions. I understand that ALL services I require are to be billed and paid for upfront before I receive said services. I agree to give a full 1 month (30 day) email notice before suspending or cancelling coaching. In consideration of my participation in this program, I hereby release Snowy Mountain Endurance (Pty) Ltd from any claims, demands, and causes of action as a result of my voluntary participation and enrollment. I fully understand that I may become injured as a result of registration and subsequent involvement in this program. In consideration of Snowy Mountain Endurance (Pty) Ltd for the purposes of improving my fitness, I hereby attest that I am in good health, that my statements in the above form are accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that a licensed medical doctor has verified my physical condition. I fully understand the risk inherent in such a training plan and accept for myself or my heirs, and my personal representatives full responsibility for personal bodily injury, death, or property losses that may occur as a result of my being a part of this program or engaging in training sessions. I hereby indemnify, save, and hold Snowy Mountain Endurance (Pty) Ltd from any loss, liability, damage, and cost I may incur due to my participation in this program. I have read and voluntarily signed this waiver before submitting it. I further agree that no oral representations, statements, or inducements apart from the preceding written agreement have been made. By submitting this release agreement, I am aware that I am waiving certain legal rights that I or my heirs and my personal representatives may have against the releasees. Furthermore, I provide full consent to Snowy Mountain Endurance (Pty) Ltd to design a training plan or administer a training schedule through the Coaching Service for my personal use.CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.